目前分類:英語練習 (3)

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***This news report is fake, so please do not hold anything I write against me. I have no idea what procedures the MoE have set up concerning dorm beds for exchange students. This is just an article where I practice writing an editorial and two news pieces like how a reporter would; you know, giving-information-while-giving-A-LOT-OF-personal-opinion and that third-person-viewpoint-type-of-prose.



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  Today, I'm here to recommend one of the best books ever:Wolf Brother (Book 1 of the Chronicle of Ancient Darkness). It has wonderful plot, lovable characters, and clear, beautiful prose. Five stars, you can't ask for more.



山神乙事主 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  上石國小邀請了說故事大師BOBBY到圖書館說故事給四年級學生聽,並讓我們在一旁觀摩。BOBBY講述了三個故事,以生動、活潑的方式表現,實在是非常有趣。以下是給予BOBBY的回饋, 由於自己是英語專長的、這次所關摩的科目也是英語, 所以另外以英語回答。


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