
  上石國小邀請了說故事大師BOBBY到圖書館說故事給四年級學生聽,並讓我們在一旁觀摩。BOBBY講述了三個故事,以生動、活潑的方式表現,實在是非常有趣。以下是給予BOBBY的回饋, 由於自己是英語專長的、這次所關摩的科目也是英語, 所以另外以英語回答。

1. 請敘述你/妳在本次教學中所看見的教學內容

In the beginning, the storyteller told us a story about a spider who found a magic backpack. The backpack could hold anything, so the spider had a genius idea to climb on top of the tallest tree and get all the books in the world to go into that pack. Apparently, he thought it meant he would never have to read another book again. It being his first time to encounter a backpack, the spider had no idea how to shoulder it and kept falling down the tree because he had it on wrong. Finally, he got on to the top of the tree and stuffed all the books in the world into that pack. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew that pack off the tree and the books all came gushing out of that pack like a river. The wind blew the books to every corner of the world and that’s how books ended up everywhere no matter their origin.

The second story was more like a really cute chant. In the dark, dark woods there was a dark, dark house….. The storyteller told the story with movements and told us to copy him. In the end, he scared us all with, ‘in that dark, dark box there was a GHOST! BOO!’ It gave us a wonderful shock.

The last story was a variation of “the tortoise and the hare”. In the storyteller’s version, the hare didn’t sleep all throughout the race; he went to the library and watched a movie as well. During the race, some animals came to hurry the tortoise on, and the storyteller used rap to imply the tortoise was moving steady forward, slow but sure. If the original story was the bone, I’d say the storyteller’s version gave it flesh and blood.



2.教學演示中有哪些片段最讓你/妳印象深刻? 為什麼?

The parts that left very deep impressions on me include, for starters, how the storyteller used a lot of movements, rhymes and songs to tell the story. For example, the tortoises’ ‘put one foot in front of the other foot’ was really cool and eye-catching. The way he told of the spider’s journey up the tree was superb as well. Another part of this class that really left a deep impression on me was how, when storyteller realized not many students could understand that spider story, he was able to switch gears immediately and tell a story that was simple and easy to understand. It was at this moment that I truly and fully realized I was in the presence of a pro. Listening to the sound effects and looking at the movements he made was one thing, but seeing the storyteller choose another story according to the situation on the spot made me salute him whole-heartedly.


3. 教學演示中的活動有哪些是讓妳/你覺得很激賞的?為什麼?

As I have mentioned above, I think the storyteller’s ability to choose stories according to the situation is one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever seen in any education practicum. It’s like watching a baby mammoth being born or something, in the way that the new idea was genius and it would be hard if not nearly impossible for people like us who’re not master storytellers to do this kind of thing.



4. 教學演示中的活動有哪些是讓你覺得比較沒有這麼理想的?為什麼?

It was a pity the children couldn’t understand the first and third stories very well. If possible, it might be better to let the sixth graders listen instead of the fourth. Listening to the storyteller’s story and not understanding the full extent of his genius is like going to Disneyland and being in the stores all the time. Or being in the presence of Beethoven when he was alive and wondering who the crazy old man with the funny hair was. Not knowing isn’t a sin, but it is a real pity.


5.  妳/你覺得實際課堂中的小朋友會對本次教學者的演示方式有何反應?為甚麼?

If they can understand the whole story, they’ll probably have their mouths wide open and their eyes bigger than saucers through the whole class like I did. I kept grinning like an idiot, I hope nobody saw. The storyteller really knows how to get people’s attention and keep it there. If they can’t understand…they’ll probably be tittering and looking around like some students I saw during the class.



6. 你/妳對本次教學者在這次的教學演示上有甚麼建議?有任何需要改進的地方嗎?

None. I wish I’d remembered to ask for his autograph.


BOBBY的演示令我對於說故事有了新的認知--原來, 說故事可以這麼有趣!即使有些學生因為程度關係, 並沒有很認真聽故事, 但其他學生都目不轉睛地看著BOBBY, 因為實在太有趣了!

這次的經驗與技巧, 我已經學習起來了。希望以後, 我也可以成為項BOBBY這樣, 如此吸引人的說書人!



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